New website for Doctor Horsager


Specialist doctor Horsager (Ortocare) needed a complete optimization of their then website, as they did not feel that it displayed professionalism and user-friendliness, which was incredibly important for them, as they have a number of elderly patients. This has been implemented by Obtino in collaboration with Ortocare in a brand new digital solution.

Specialist doctor with a focus on professionalism & customer service

Ortocare has existed as a specialist medical practice since 1 April 1993 and has an agreement with the Region. In their orthopedic clinic, we treat and operate for disorders and discomforts in the musculoskeletal system – i.e. disorders of bones, muscles, tendons, joints and nerves.
Ortocare’s goal is to meet the patient with respect and at eye level, and to provide the patients with the best treatment for any ailment for which they may be referred. Therefore, you can safely rely on Ortocare’s committed and experienced team.The above values ​​have therefore been alpha and omega for Ortocare, that they were implemented on their new website, which should also be incredibly user-friendly for their patients.

Simple, responsive design & ease of use

Specialist Horsager had a clear vision from the start that their new website should be incredibly simple, unique and user-friendly, which – especially for their elderly patients – should be easy to navigate without too many disturbing elements. That is why at Obtino we have, among other things, had that focus on keeping the design simple – but at the same time unique.Data has shown that a part of the company’s patients visit their website through their mobile phone, which is why it was important that the website should be responsive, so that it adapted to all devices that the visitor now had to use.

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